If you have fallen, tripped or slipped as a result of a hazard or dangerous situation created by another and as a consequence have suffered an injury, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.
To establish a personal injuries* case and obtain compensation for a trip / fall / slip in a shop you must first of all prove that your personal injury* was caused by the negligence of the shop or an agent or employee of the shop. In other words, it must be established that they are responsible for your accident.
ReadIf you would like to find out whether you are entitled to make a personal injuries claim * in relation to a trip & slip contact Cosgrove Gaynard Solicitors to obtain specialist advice by calling: 01 2340044 , emailing us at info@cgsolicitors.ie or by filling in our online contact form .
The Garda Compensation Scheme* was established for members of An Garda Siochana under the Garda Siochana (Compensation) Act 1941 and the Garda Siochana (Compensation) (Amendment) Act 1945.
More infoIf you have had an accident at work* and suffered an injury, you may be entitled to compensation.
More infoOver 40% of the worlds aircraft leasing business is located in Ireland. Ireland is recognised as a leading jurisdiction within which to locate given its creditor friendly approach, historical expertise in the area of aviation leasing, its extensive range of double taxation treaties and a favourable corporate tax rate (currently 12.5%)
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